Rocksmith usb guitar adapter stopped working
Rocksmith usb guitar adapter stopped working

rocksmith usb guitar adapter stopped working rocksmith usb guitar adapter stopped working

Oh, and not sure if it's supposed to be this way, but I notice that MME gives me two options under Audio Hardware: one for input and one for output, while WASAPI only gives me one. Obviously I have a lot to learn about the basics of the process, but in all my searching through Adobe's how-to pages and YouTube tutorials, I haven't been able to get the setup to work properly. I've tried a variety of input/output settings on the two tracks, but so far have had no luck. Interestingly, even though it says "Not working," I was able to record a sample, but thus far have been unable to do so while monitoring the drum track. To answer your question, yes, it does work in MME (I have no ASIO option), but the lowest latency is 30ms, inadequate for recording against the drum track that's already on there.

Rocksmith usb guitar adapter stopped working